264 definitions by Tony

"The Almighty"
Usually used in reference to an uber swarve person with fly mackin skills.
Bob : Woah! That dude is off da hook! He's TA.
Babe: Yeh, daym he's fine! Definitely TA.
by Tony May 9, 2004
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an individual who speaks facts only i.e. nokas
god is the spoken truth
by Tony October 26, 2003
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An idiot from our school who thinks he can speak 1337 and sucks at all games
A member of a crowd with no originality or voice of his own, a woman with the morals of a man

See also Lemming and Slut
You are always copying me with crap jokes and are always perving on people u Moloy!
by Tony April 15, 2004
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Ghetto-ass town nice place to leave

Worse than compton

Puros nacos incluyendo me a mi
Mother in law: so were is he from?
Wife: Laredo
Mother in law: you need a divorce

Boss: Where are you from?
Employee: Laredo
Boss: your fired

Guy1: Adonde vas?
Guy2: Laredo
Guy1: pinche naco
by Tony December 8, 2004
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Obnoxious, lude, loud mouth ass hole.
All racist hockey players are merriwethers.
by Tony November 7, 2003
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someone who often wags their bum in ones face
e.g She was a right bumwagger
by Tony January 29, 2004
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