15 definitions by Klausey

When a person has one eye higher than the other.
"When one 'eyezigher' than the other"
"Ayup ere's 'eyezigher"
by Klausey September 15, 2009
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A way of telling your boss, work superiors, police or officials to "go fuck themselves !" without getting into trouble or sacked.
Health and safety employee - "Do you have a permit to work in this area?"
Worker - "I've got a piece of bread that used to have an egg on it !"
(basic translation-"No i don't so fuckoff")


Police man - "have you got your drivers licence?"
Driver - "I've got a piece of bread that used to have an egg on it !"

Man in street 1 - "Excuse me sir, have you got the right time on you please?"
Man in street 2 - "I've got a piece of bread that used to have an egg on it !"
by Klausey September 15, 2009
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Daft cunt, idiot, Some one who's always fuckin' up getting things wrong or mixed up. This person will often be funny and most probibly liked - one of the lads.
He's a proper 'Mop Bucket' when he's pissed. or , for example, when somebody spills the last of the ale will often be followed by "What a fuckin' mop bucket!"
by Klausey September 14, 2009
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To fall over naked when you have an erection and land on your dick !
"I fell over this morning and did a fuckin' pole vault!"
by Klausey September 15, 2009
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Meaning - beast - which does not mean good or awsome it means a child molesting monster, a paedophile.
"A fuckin' dirty little bag of yeast"
"Fuck him, he's just a bag of yeast"
by Klausey September 15, 2009
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All that can be heard when two or more scousers (Liverpulians) are talking.

"They do though, don't they though ?" (English)
"Dee doo dow dont dee dow ?" (Scouse)
Scouser 1 "Dee doo dow don't dee dow?"
Scouser 2 "Dee doo dee doo"

EXAMPLE 2 - Two scousers arguing.
Scouser 1 "dee don't doo dee?"
Scouser 2 "dee doo dee doo"
Scouser 1 "dee don't"
Scouser 1 "dee dooo"
Scouser 1 "deee dont"
Scouser 1 "deeee dooooo"
Scouser 1 "deeeeee dont"
Scouser 1 "deeeeeeee doooooooo"
(This could go on forever, but you get my drift)
by Klausey September 15, 2009
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A miserable person. Someone who never smiles or has fun, usually an old person.
"Here he is, the fuckin' old misery guts!"
by Klausey September 15, 2009
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