6 definitions by Clare..and of course..eric too.

when you catch a glimpse of a large dick protruding through too tight boxers
I wasn't too sure Id I wanted to take him home tonight, but then a caught a sneak preview of the fun to come. I thought, hell yeah, im game.
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too large to fit regular condoms
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My boyfriend is such a rubber wrecker. We went thoguh a whole box of condoms and I finally got out the hefty bags. That did the trick.
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when a guy gets a really obvious boner, tries to play it off, but everyone knows anyways
The other day i saw a bunch of girls staring at me and giggling. Hey I figured it must be good. But when they started pointing at my crotch. Damn I knew it was an untimely visitor.
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having your cock row a large amount(3 or more inches) in a short amount of time(4 or less months)
"So I was looking around in the locker room. Don't ask man. And I thought I saw this kid I used to know, but it couldnt have been him cause his dick was bout four inches longer. Then he walked out of that locker room into the arms of five cheerleaders. Every guy's dream. Every guy's dream."
by Clare..and of course..eric too. December 29, 2005
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dick going from limp and dinky to collasal (8+ inches) in under 10 seconds
I took one look at his dick and was about to leave, and then -instant puberty- I came running back.
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a seventh grader whose cock is as long and thick as the average to large adult
"I used to only come around for George senior here," said the prostitute to her friend, "But i can tell you by expereince that the boy as already outdone his daddy."
by Clare..and of course..eric too. December 29, 2005
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