22 definitions by BillyGoat

any beer of canadian or scandinavian origin that is over 8 perecent
black label supreme, maudite, faxe.
"fuck i drank so many diabetabeers last night i can't stop pissing."
by BillyGoat September 16, 2006
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anything that happens to friends, or that they say, that is hilarious or outrageous or cheesy. pretty much applies to any situation so deemed.
" fuck dude billy fell off a roof last night, that was a tender moment"

" man george was all like "i love you man" when he was high last night. i guess he was embroiled in tender moments."
by BillyGoat March 31, 2006
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a word that describes any situation that is out of hand or abnormal that happens to you and your boys and/or girls.
"holy fuck i can't believe we jacked that dude at 7/11 with a water gun full of piss that was situationism for sure."
by BillyGoat March 31, 2006
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Similar to wordretard/word. A word conglomeration /word of a retard and an wordidiot/word.
Man this kid from 2nd block is such a tardo...He wears a Jacket, sweat pants, and gloves to school right in the middle of the summer.
by BillyGoat November 15, 2002
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What you use to remove feces from your ass. Sometimes newspaper, napkins, and paper towls. Never magazine pages, too slick.

See Also: Corn Cob
Damn! No toilet paper. Looks like I'm gonna have to go get some shit paper.
by BillyGoat November 16, 2002
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Your Biological parents, or care takers.

Mom and Pop.
The Damn rents are home this weekend so the party can't be here.
by BillyGoat November 15, 2002
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1. A very hairy Vagina that needs shaving.
Man that chick has a nasty carpet. Someone send her a Mach 3 for Christmas.
by BillyGoat November 15, 2002
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