Just like a selfie but a picture of someone else
You're so beautiful I want to take a youie. I'm not in this picture. It's a youie.
by mark guadagnoli January 7, 2015
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She hung a youie in her Cheverolet and sped away.
by The_Robin June 12, 2010
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1) A U-Turn

2) The opposite of a selfie
Let's make a quick youie.
by gxox February 15, 2014
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To vomit and shit at the same time in an uncontrollable fasion.
A person is so drunk that they are pooing and vomiting at the same time and cannot control it.
by Davzies Boy January 16, 2003
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Shushy youie is a informal way of telling a person to shush or shut up

This phrase is used when someone is acting like a nax guy
Shushy youie please our king Veenio is speaking a listen to his wise words would be kindly appreciated
by thepundewarrior123 May 12, 2021
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Word that originated from Philadelphia, basically means to make a u-turn.
Ayo bussa youie right here.
by i’m not an imposter October 13, 2020
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