it's when u use a word in a position referin' to something else either than it's real meanin', it may also be a sentence.
EX #1:
A: u into video games or u'r one of'em?
B: i dont like video games
A: so u'r one of'em
B: no
A: u like video games then?
A: so u'r one of'em WHO r not into video games... i got u
B: Oops! word game

Ex #2:
A: have u seen Will Smith's Movie Hancock?
B: no, but i saw Hanpussy
by N.I.T August 15, 2008
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a thread on a forum that helps increase everyones post count
hey go reply to my post in the 3 word game
by ANTRat July 25, 2003
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Choose Your Words - The weather outside is partly cloudy whether you like it that way or not. A wether, on the other hand, is a castrated sheep. You read that ...
Word Game is lit
by papisucioandlimpio March 22, 2017
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