the hot-ass man that plays the Gondorian King and the cowboy AND that sexy artist dude (A Perfect Murder)See also: viggolicious
Viggo is SO damn sexy!!
by Lor June 30, 2004
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to viggo someone - being an annoying smartass who constantly second guesses everything you do, but has only crap to say
(on movie sets) I viggoed my director.
by Baragorn December 29, 2014
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A person named Viggo is hot asf, likes dark humor and very funny. He think the worst of himself but is very cute. Either likes making out or cuddling, very sweet mf. Would love someone forever and be upset if they broke he's heart. Kind of shy at first but will open up when you get to know him.
Viggo: Hi my name is Viggo

Girl/Boy: hi ur very cute
by urverycute September 9, 2021
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Is from the west and the most "gay" person in the server. He usually likes bacon...
Eika: Its Viggo hide your husbando!
by Eika_is October 18, 2019
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1- middle aged man playing a mortal king

2- one who eats roadkill
Viggo has a huge sword.

Don't ever eat dinner at Viggo's house.
by Fritaly December 23, 2003
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Viggo is the type of person that everyone would love to be friends with! Viggo is nice and has a great personality. He loves telling jokes! sometimes he can go too far with them, But it's all love in the end.

He is always so Horno!
Everyone would love to have Viggo as a friend!
Viggo is a great friend.

We love a friend named Viggo.
by Roc7 April 26, 2021
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