to smoke marijuana; the words SMOKE and WEED put together.
"Yo man, let's smeed this weekend."
by Kyle Evans May 2, 2007
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* was owned by smeed
by orvar November 24, 2003
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I'll get right in your smeed.
by smeedworm September 11, 2003
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your tits are a little smeed.
by smeedpecker September 11, 2003
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Someone who is Uncool , lame , loser

other forms include Smeedle , smeedles
Why did you invite Carl hes such a Smeed.

dang man don't be a Smeed.

this place is full of Smeeds.
by Jack Herb October 23, 2013
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Smeed is a word used to insult or mock someone. Can also be used as smeedster or smeedasaurus rex
God. ____ is such a smeed!
by Concratus October 23, 2020
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The words "same", "mood", and "me" grouped together into a single word.
Friend 1: I cannot human correctly today
Friend 2: Oh that's a smeed
by jayiskindaawkward April 30, 2019
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