Luckiest name. The person having this name is very lucky to the point that it scares him. Sibin is very positive person who is ready to face challenges and is very funny. People wonder about sibin and secretly adore him. He will be a caring husband and a very good father. He is a very down to earth guy. Good energy surrounds this name.
Sibin! I still wonder about him. I should have asked him out when I had a chance.
by Von Hohenheim November 24, 2021
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Someone who is kind and warm at heart.It is really hard to list out his perks.Always thankful and grateful for being my best person irrespective of the ways I have treated you. Stay same and the world needs good people like you .You are caring ,handsome ,loving , honest - what more should I say ,the total package any girl could ask for. So if you ever come across a Sibin who makes you feel as if you are his best person - Just don't leave him.Hold him tightly as you can ❤️ Make sure you express your feelings when you are alive,that's what matter the most .Thank you for reading my precious version of Sibin.
Like in general Eg .Don't leave the person named Sibin because he is precious and no opportunity knocks on your door again.
by D.O.R.A.E.M.O.N November 25, 2021
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She had Sibin to work it out
by November 23, 2021
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