An orgasmic observance from the lips of a man who just sampled another's penis.
James: dayyyum so salty

Mike: u salty bra

Luis: ye cuz i just jizzed in yo mouf
by Scumbag5465 July 11, 2010
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kinda like treated. but worse.
Dude 1: 'you're stupid.'
Dude 2: 'your mom is stupid!'
Dude 3: 'SALTY!'
by efizzleslim July 2, 2010
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Tasting like or containing salt.
When i blew a load in her mouth, she licked her lips and said "mmm, salty".
by salty September 20, 2004
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ugly, possessing hoish qualitites
by Skeezerswick April 12, 2007
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when one has acquired a large amount of dandruff that has fallen from their scalp and onto their back. so much so, it resembles the appearance of salt that has been thrown over their shoulder for good luck and landed on their back.
Jordan, i hate to tell you this but you have a salty back!
by twerkalicious69 May 15, 2014
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Janae is salty after Alex beat her in a soil judging contest, because she studied and he didn't.
by Anonymous/6 (! " October 1, 2015
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in fashion terms:
salty; over-seasoned; from last season
by lisa55 August 7, 2008
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