Kind of like pee you; used to describe something or somebody that reeks
He doesn't use toliet paper! Pyew! That mofo really stinks!
by Telephony February 13, 2012
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The onomatopoeia of a ray gun's rays. It is usually heard after the phrase "Oh no look out it's a ray gun!" Those hearing it must take caution.
Person: Oh no look out it's a ray gun!

Pyew pyew!

Bystander: Oh dear! (dies of ray gun wounds)

Person: The rays were coming out of the gun! You should have avoid the rays!
by Angsty_Amoeba October 15, 2008
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i was all like, 'pyew! pyew! pyew!'
by darin pa October 23, 2007
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Verb: To ejaculate semi-forcefully
Noun: A semi-forceful ejaculation
"Dude, she was rubbing it then i had no choice but to pyew. "

"I saw her and then. . . pyew pyew."
by Andy Kampfullen October 1, 2009
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the sound that usually accompanies or represents ejaculatory success.
she was rubbing it then....pyew.
by Andy Kampfullen October 11, 2009
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