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Causing them to poop!
by The Dalai Lama May 23, 2007
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a funny word your 3 year old son will interject into ANY conversation you are having regardless of it's content.
I love this poopy new dinner.
I'm gonna give you poop kisses because I love you so much.
I have a funny poop poop a doop thing to say to you, mom.
by myshrah February 4, 2010
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poop is the random big lump of brown(maybe even baby green depending on what u ate) that can explode out of your ass making a nasty sound. its like a kick to your ass but the other way around!
Boy: mommy, my butt feels like it's just exploded!
Mom: Don't worry, that's just called poop. They come in many shapes, sizes, and colors!
Boy: Cool! I want another one!
by blehblehbleh55 November 26, 2009
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brown (sometimes green) digested waste material that squeezes out of your bung hole
always make sure you dont leave any poop on the seat
by dundlegrundelberrycherry February 25, 2003
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Forbidden Play-doh that is produced naturally by your own ass!
Timmy you don’t need play-doh, you have your poop to play with!
by Yoyoyoyoyoyo666 December 21, 2021
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Though it generally means shit or feces, when you poop something it can also mean you launch it or throw it very far.
Example A: Look at those football players, pooping their football around
Example B: The cat was being annoying so I pooped him across the yard
by xXWhiteKnightXx July 19, 2010
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a delicacy enjoyed by every alpha male and all beloved joe (s)
Person 1: joe did you devour some poop today?
Joe: You bet your fukin sweet ass I did
by 3inchorcoochornothinatall October 3, 2019
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