A cutesy name for the female genitals. A contraction of poontang (Vietnamese for vagina).
I started a website called My Neighbors Pooney dot com and she got very upset.
by TheNoodleyAppendage August 20, 2009
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a man with GIGANTIC lips that are full of enthiusiasm and has a deep voice and wears sandles in the summer and hes a crazy crazy fool. dont forget the gigantic lips!!

an easy target for large amounts of abuse
pooney... what r u?

(pooney) a crazy crazy fool!!
by drummer and pinky December 6, 2006
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A brash, pungent smelling, wolf-man like creature that dwells in caves and feeds on small children, mice, subway rats. Often said to be a mythical creature. Said to be the offspring of a unicorn and Kate Moss.
Ol' Pooney. He be crazy. That ol' Pooney Dunderchin. He one crazy mofo.
by P. Dunder April 16, 2009
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