To de-flower a virgin. To attempt anal sex with a new partner.
I am very tired, I spent all night plowing new ground.
by Phil This March 29, 2004
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to have sex with a virgin. It's a comparison of a virgin to soil which has never been plowed before.
John plowed new ground on his wedding night.
by fizzle April 2, 2004
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1. When the prostitutes in town get so overloaded with STDs that it becomes visible via fungus growth, and you are forced to migrate to another part of the city to find ones with a health rating of at least 23%.

2. When a straight person turns gay, or vice versa.
1. I'm gonna start plowing new ground around 4th street tonight man. Last night one of the regulars on 3rd blew up a car with her yeast infection.

2. Fred's hanging around the women's section in Kmart for a different reason since he's turned straight. He's plowing new ground now.
by WhoaTimesTwo March 30, 2004
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to break in or take away the virginity of someone (male or female), euphamism from the common farmyard or agricultural term
someone spiked the drinks at the freshman prom last nite, i was plowing new ground like an ox and cart

my girls gettin lose, i need to plough some new ground
by rek-loose April 8, 2004
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Usually said by males, Having sex with a group of girls one is new with or has not encountered yet but is going to in the not so distant future.
G1: Dude you going up to Chico this weekend?
G2: Yah ....You can bet on my plowing new ground!
G1: I wish you werent such a liar.
by Dan Lee April 5, 2004
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1. To actually be farming land; digging into new dirt

2. Exploring new ideas; digging into new dirt

3. Fucking a girl for the first time; digging into new dirt

origin: Utah, circa 1869

originator: Joseph Smith; planting seeds, while creating a new religion, while sowing his seed with his 4 wives
1. "we're plowing new ground today, we've run out of space in the garden"

2. "with the new PenisPLUS Erection Extender, you will please her more than you could imagin!"

3. "i'm plowing new ground with jenny tonight. i might use that new Penis thing.."
by jesse March 30, 2004
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slipping your dick into a pussy that it hasn't been into before. The dick is the plowshare and the pussy is the furrow.
"Jake was plowing new ground when he went home with Leah last night."
by Jake April 1, 2004
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