Term used by Irish college/uni students. Like the Golden week (where one goes to every class in a week on time) except every night throughout the week one goes out on the piss, and making it into class the next morning.
aw man, I just did the platinum week. *dies*
by IrlArgy September 8, 2009
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A term used by students in Ireland. Refers to a week where one goes to college every day for a week, staying in college for the duration of each day, but attends no lectures or other academic activities. Seen by less ambitious students as an achievement greater than that of completing a golden week.
Here lad, you're some waster, you haven't gone to any lectures, you're gonna fail the year.

Eh, i don't think you understand the importance of what im doing, its called a platinum week, dumbass.
by JimmyPlatinum October 6, 2010
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