When the fold in the pants near the crotch form a vagina like crease.

Look...Mikey has his vagina pants on again. and boy does his ass look hungry
by BBMIKE December 30, 2009
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A pair of skin-tight woman's jeans that reduce sperm count, often worn by male gays, emos, hipsters, and metalcore bandmembers who think they're hard and brutal. Vagina pants are possibly to blame for the decline in intelligence with the younger generation due to the tightness and heat cooking the spermcount autistic.
1. Robert Plant should be theo nly man ever allowed to wear vagina pants.

2. Avenged Sevenfold are a bunch of vagina pants wearing homosexuals who think they're hard and metal.
by Lord_Averock December 13, 2015
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(Noun) To behave in a weak-kneed, cowardly, panicky, or otherwiaw pussy-like fashion.
1.) When it became apparent that simple-minded belligerence would not help him in his war against America and other Free-minded peoples, Osama Bin Laden put on his Vagina Pants and turned to hiding in caves.

2.) Osama Bin Laden is a Vagina Pants.
by XSlime July 1, 2009
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A person who gets so much VAGINA they're a monster
Jake:Hey you remember Todd?

Tom: Yeah he's totally a Vagina Pants monster man!
by Bigboi7777 April 26, 2011
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Hockey jargon. A game played in the doorway of the locker room. One player (typically a team manager) stands in the doorway while another player, typically an upperclassman, tries to shoot a tapeball past him.
“Hey Fugie, when we get to the rink, let’s play a quick round of vagina pants.”

“Mitchell, you’re the worst vagina pants player of all time. You put the vag in vagina pants you silly little ass-breather.”
by Warm Willy August 9, 2022
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