It is a Japanese based emoticon of a man pounding his head on the floor.
The o is the head.
The r is the arms.
The z is the legs.
Used to symbolize the emotion of frustration.
Our puller is a complete n00b... he just pulled a soldier crawler and now we have three adds... orz...
by anonymous May 10, 2004
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1) An asian-originating emoticon of someone on their hands and knees. O is the head, R is the arms and torso, Z is the legs. It symbolises failiure or despair.

2) A pan-dimensional race of green fish-like aliens from Star Control 2. Speak in a language so complex it gets mangled in universal translators, to hilarious effect.
1) Why does everyone hate me so much? orz

2) "Hello! Orz are *dance* with the *silly cows* at the *party*! Is it time to *squirt*?"
by Luminar March 2, 2007
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orz is used in Japan's net-slang terms. "orz" is used to show when you are in a quick depression and sad or have given up on something.

How it came to be this is that orz looks like a person on his hands and knees with their head handing lowly, much like commonly seen in depressed anime characters.

If you still have trouble seeing orz as a person, o is the head, r is the abdomen and the arm, and z is the wasite, thigh, and the leg kneeling.

Also, orz can be replaced by OTZ if you are to use capitals, but it looks better in orz.
"Dude I just lost a bet orz."

"I left my GF's house with blue balls orz"

"I'm sad orz"

"I failed a test orz"
by MisterCrown November 5, 2009
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Asian symbol for frustration. If you look carefully, it looks like a man on his knees, tired and pounding his head.
fuck! I cant solve this bronze problem! orz
William Lin orz
by Warthur Au June 7, 2020
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Describing someone on his head and knee with frustration, Orz is originated from Japan and popular with internet users.
David,The MVP of ALCS in 2004,said goodbye to the Yankees' with his moon shot. Now tell me"who is your daddy?"......Orz Ortiz
by Cesar March 27, 2005
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orz in terms of korean usage, means respect. orz can be seen as pounding head on the floor, but if you think; it could be someone kneeling.

llorz, is taken off the 2nd type of orz. ll is the legs of a person you are bowing to.
"Thanks for answering my question, wise person... llorz"
by zzang March 31, 2005
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A common suffix. Used to add effect, or to emphasise that word. Mostly used on last word of sentance.

Most commonly used during the great Pie and Waffle wars on TGS. Also used for the lulz
Person 1: Omg! U have Wafflesorz!
Person 2: Yeah my waffles roffles your soxorz
Person 1: I bow to your mighty soxorz!
by Cinderninja April 13, 2008
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