Used to express a feeling of mild unhappiness or disappointment about something which one can not be bothered to do anything about.
Nyugh, I think gangrene has set in in my toe.
I'd like to leave the house, but nyugh.
by DeeBee June 8, 2004
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Nyugh is a strange noise made by people who suffer from a mental disorder not yet defined in todays medical system.
These people are usually aged 12 - 14, are extremely intelligent but slightly socially awkward and experience symptoms not unlike those of ADHD. These symptoms are most common;

Inability to pay attention,
Often doesn't respond to what is being said, or even appear to notice that he or she is being addressed,
Often wanders out of room or gets up out of seat without asking permission,

Often interrupts others conversations or games,
Often laughs or smiles in completely inappropriate situations.
"What was that?!"
"I'm not sure, I was just bored."
by kateandandy October 21, 2011
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