The most fun game EVER. You can play tackle, flag, and many more. It's the most fun playing with a bunch of people that are way strong!
Body builder: "Hey man, you wanna go play some football???!!!"

Tiny man: "Naw man, you'd CRUSH me!"

Body builder: "That's the point!!"
by Hottay232323 April 30, 2009
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A bitch version of Rugby, usually played by a bunch of dumb rednecks who are too stupid too realize that "soccer" (futbol) is the most widely played sport in the world
by Cody Turner June 3, 2008
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An American pass time where men pile on top of each other while other men watch and cheer them on. It also involves some booty smacking when one man makes a touchdown.
When the quarterback touched the football to the ground and made a touchdown, his teammates ran towards him and jumped on top of him, while his coach smacked his booty on national television.
by Witless in the Bay November 30, 2007
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American sport, not to be confused with pussy ass futbol (soccer). Football is a real man's game. Futbol is for foot faries who are afraid of contact sports
You wanna play soccer?
Fuck no I have male genetalia I play football.
by Not a pussy February 21, 2009
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1. In America: An amazing and brutal game in which two teams attempt to score touchdowns. There are a lot of rules, but its basically slamming someone into the ground. America's new pastime.
2. Everywhere else: A game with a soccer ball in which two teams try to score a goal, no using your hands. Known as soccer. The world's pastime.
1. Baseball is boring and gay, that is why i, like 99% of americans, would rather watch football.
2. In europe they play football with their feet.
by dimelis_16 May 10, 2007
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The greatest sport in the world, played almost exclusively in America. WAY better and more difficult to play than soccer.

Yeah, in football you wear pads, but if you didn't, you would get seriously injured and possibly killed, especially at the NFL level. Yeah, you get breaks in between plays, but it's like running sprints. One or two sprints won't get you tired, but after an hour of it, you're exhausted. Same with football.

To have a good football team, you need a diverse range of players with different skills. You need a good leader who can throw the football well, a strong, fast player who can absorb hits every play without fumbling the ball, a few fast athletic players who can catch the ball and not drop it after getting leveled by a safety or linebacker, and five big guys to fight in the trenches and block every play and are the most important part of your offense.

And that's just the offense. So for all of you faggots who think that soccer is harder or takes more skill than football and all you need to do to be a football player is throw a football, man up and try playing a real sport, AMERICA's sport, American Football. You wouldn't last 5 seconds against a good team.
Yound Lad: Mister, what's the greatest sport in the world?

Wise Man: Football, AMERICAN Football.
by some guy12 February 17, 2009
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A game where men play with a ball and wrap their arms around each other too take them down to the ground. Usually after every play the main player gets a smack on the ass by another player, both whom are male, while other male fans cheer them on.
Guy 1: Hey did you watch the football game?

Guy 2: yea

Guy 1: What happened?

Guy 2: The running back scored a touchdown and the other his teamates hugged him and smacked him on the ass.

Guy 1: That sounds pretty gay.
by guitargod January 4, 2008
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