It can be simply thought of as a tremendously stupid way of saying nigger People who think that they're clever by saying "nigga" are obviously the opposite. Black kids who call each other this name are idiots, so are white kids, and so is anyone else who says it out of its proper context, period. Self-respecting black people don't go around calling each other "nigga." It's only the dumbass MTV crowd who ignore its malignant roots and think it's something amusing to say; employing it constantly. Bigots shouldn't be so butthurt that it's offensive to say it either because no matter what, it's a rude thing to say. Stop being such morons.
Moron #1: I'm a dumbass black kid and I like saying nigga all the time due to my lack of an extensive vocabulary!

Moron #2: I'm a dumbass non-black wannabe kid and I like saying nigga all the time due to my lack of a vocabulary too!

Moron #3: I'm a whiny bigot and I can't comprehend why I shouldn't be saying nigga! I feel so oppressed!
by Your conscience April 10, 2007
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A word many African Americans (including myself) have differing opinions about:

1.A slang word meaning friend or another person.

2.A new version of a degrating term that means an ignorant black person. Used over a hundred years ago by slave owners and still carries a lot of hostility.

Although it is hypocritical for blacks and some hispanics to say it and not let whites do the same, it has always confused me as to why whites want to so badly.
I am sick of seeing sentences that depict stereotypical black people saying nigga and white people getting mad.
by bmoreangel January 20, 2007
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A term used freely by black people, since it is socially acceptable for racial minorities to be racists. It keeps people of some race apprehensive, when in company of people other than their race. Also used for low class people to regress to earlier time, as an excuse to hate, other races than their own.
White guy, "Why do you say nigga so much Mostafa, you are from Somalia?"
Black guy, "Step off nigga, my bros going to buss a cap in yo ass!"
by Whatabitch_99 September 12, 2005
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When a Black person is infected with ignorance and mutates into a subspecies of violent mysogenists.
Black people are at war with NIggas.
(refer to Dave Chappelle's WHEN KEEPIN' IT REAL GOES WRONG)
by bcolding July 11, 2008
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a way black people use a word to yet once again to keep them in there own black world. yet they want to stop racism but they are who are realy racist against themselves. they can call each other nigga use it it in a song but when a white person says it its racist.yet black people will go up to a white person and say what up my nigga? its a word that is used that makes everybody look like a hypocrite.
by tanika May 13, 2006
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a word in wich white people wold be shot for saying and yet black people can say to each other when ever they want.
white guy:yo my nigga
black guy:run boy
*turns around and says to other black guy*
yeah nigga
by y doc November 20, 2006
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a very offensive word used for black people. often used to tease or address black people by people of other races or by black people themselves within their own people.
Hey nigga whats up! where are you going?
by tanan May 3, 2008
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