a guy who acts gay but has straight sexuality. you know, wears make up, talks to us girls, paints nails, cares about clean-ness, etc.
-that girl is dating a metro and now we think she's a les.

-metros confuzzle me
by T. Lex February 16, 2005
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Belfast city's 'new' bus service (at time of write)

nothing new, all they did was fuck up bus numbers, paint the buses pink and call it after a stright gay guy.

Most bus drivers are still cunts
'should we get the 103?'
'no, its 10C now.. no... wait... 10D.. SHIT'
by the1bigboy March 23, 2005
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Meet you at metro
by Hibye101 January 23, 2017
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1. the montreal way of saying subway, as in public transportation
2. a grocery store
1. i had to take 2 buses and a metro to get to la ronde

2. i bought some canadian dry over at metro
by DSHGKLAG May 28, 2005
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Look at that females pants they he!!a low she a metro
by ChingyzGirL05 October 15, 2003
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Common name for the underground mass transit system (subway) in both Montreal, QC and Paris, France. In Montreal the Metro runs exclusively underground on a dedicated electrified third rail right-of-way, with many of the stations having bus terminals. Run under the banner of the STCUM (Societe de Transports du la Communite Urbaine de Montreal--in french) Heavy rail passenger service is handled by a separate agency called AMT (Agence Metropolitain de Transports), and requires a separate zone-base fare system, rather than the transfer you get from the bus.
Lets take the metro to get the the Big-O so we can watch the expos... NOT!
by G.H. Hadden May 3, 2005
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