your not going to find it here.
there is no right or wrong answer to the meaning of life. life is what you make it.
by hateitorloveit September 10, 2009
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I asked the guru what was the real meaning of life. He said,"Twenty years with time off for good behavior."
by yorrick hunt January 22, 2008
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Each person has needs/desires which are triggered by events. The meaning of life is to re-evaluate and find ways to address these needs.

Desires can be physical, psychological and social. Many needs are short-term but we should also find long term ones.
Everyone is trying to find the meaning of life, but it's always been there: Just not always as clear!
by Alienspace January 29, 2011
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Me: what is the meaning of life?
God: i think il just sit back and watch u suffer a life of anxiety, torment, and pain while u struggle internally thinking about this question every fucking night..
by kevinggg December 26, 2008
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the meaning of life is to question lifes meaning despite the fact that its true meaning cannot possibly by revealed while one is living - therefore its meaning is and always will be unknown as long as we continue to live and possibly beyond
how can anyone know what the meaning of life truly consist of until one can observe it from an outside point of view?
for that possibility to occur - one must be somewhere else
by ELboGreesyMunkyWrench May 13, 2010
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