Used as a response to everything

Almost like saying maybe

Using M emphasizes your indifference to the situation
Person 1: “Did you eat the phone?!?”
Person 2: m
by highkey spittin straight facts November 15, 2019
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an expression used when you don’t know what to say. got complimented? say “m”. don’t understand what someone is saying? say “m”. “m” can be used as a response for anything.
by coolestgirl69 June 21, 2018
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The 13th letter of the alphabet. Used widely in online games to reduce the amount of zeros in online currency . The "m" is used after a number to represent that number in the millions. Anything under one million is represented with k after the number.
That armor is so expensive! It costs 100m!

Hey do you have 79.9m I can borrom?
by Dark_Loki November 2, 2006
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The 13th letter of the alphabet. Used widely in online games to reduce the amount of zeros in online currency. The "m" means millions, and is used in auctions or bids for selling or buying in-game items.
"Wow, the current bid on my item is 100m!"
by Dark_Loki October 31, 2006
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M is the 13th letter of the alphabet, stands for marijuana.
I got the letter M tattood on my bicep. The 13th letter of the alphabet. Stands for marijuana, the way that it oughta, the way a letter oughta.
by Aaron911 February 9, 2007
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The 13th letter of the alphabet. Used widely in online games to reduce the amount of zeros in online currency . The "m" is used after a whole number to represent that number in the millions.
That armor is so expensive! It costs 100m!
by Dark_Loki November 1, 2006
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