Used to describe someone who has said something really stupid. Can also be used in some occasions when they do something stupid. When used it is said in a long droaning voice and repeated over and over until the person that did something stupid gets really mad at you,possibly resulting in you getting hit.
Jake: WAIT, George Foreman the grill salesman is the same Person as George Foreman the boxer?!


Jake: SHUTUP, just because im really stupid doesnt make me an idiot boy (WHACK).
by David Z August 12, 2006
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a guy with the name gerardo known as acting like an idiot and looking like one.
wow, you are such an idiot boy!
by Daddy Yeezy June 23, 2010
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someone who is so stupid that when hearing the term"idiot boy" they reply with "Who are you talking about?" With no clue that even though they are the only other person in the room...well yeah need we say more?
Kirk is such an idiot boy.
by Busty McDome May 5, 2009
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Someone who dresses gay, is straight, is obsessed with eating out cell phones cheap cars, mac computers, and meaningless drone music associated with lame culture, also is obsessed with retarded humor
That guy at work is a 21st century idiot boy he has no individuality anymore, he has no real ambitions, and signs paper work without reading it and can't survive without a pointless device that is used to control his life
by Kosanavian Emperor June 22, 2014
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the word speaks for itself doesn't it?
by September 14, 2020
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