A colonel in the U.S. military, as the rank insignia is an eagle.
We'll be having a unit inspection by the full bird this week. Let's make sure we look sharp for Colonel Smith.
by Dan June 30, 2008
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Someone who thinks they're cool because they are in jrotc
Hey shut up you full bird fuckboy
by DeezNewts May 16, 2016
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A person who has their red wings(engaging in oral sex on a female while she is menstruating,) white wings(an act in which once the male ejaculates into the introitus of the vagina is subsequently followed by cunnilingus,) and yellow wings(Cunniligus during urination.)

one step below wing commander
& 2 steps below rainbow warrior
Does not include black wings
I became a full bird colonel all in one night. After having sex with this chick that was ragging, I was eating her out and she laughed so hard she peed in my mouth.
by EupheMystick March 19, 2011
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