When a person gets on a message board or posts a comment "first" in a forum. This word is usually used by small children who believe it is cool to post the first message in any public board or forum.
Harry: I got firsties on three forums today!

Frank: Who cares?
by Nick B Cool August 16, 2005
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When smoking with a large group of people, the person who says firsties before anyone else gets the first hit of the pipe. The faster you say firsties, the faster you get high. This practice is generally accepted among groups of smokers worldwide but changes depending on location and particular situations, Ex: If its your weed you automatically get the first hit, If you bought gas you automatically get the first hit, If you are driving or are supplying the house to smoke at you automatically get the first hit.
I call firsties on that joint...

Who has firsties on this bowl i just packed?
by Albert Dankinstien May 18, 2009
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The first of something, whether it be your first day of school or your first ever blowjob, a shortened way of saying ‘your first’.
John: comes back from his first day of school
Johns dad: “Johnno mate how was ya firstie?”
by Anonymousdruggo April 20, 2020
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First-class cadet (senior) at one of America's four federal service academies.
The plebe jumped to attention and barked his greetings to the oblivious firstie walking by.
by Alo Konsen August 24, 2003
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When you make it to the comments section on a YouTube video or any social media comment section within the first few minutes or before anyone else and within the energy of your human being you comment first and brag about it like a little twat. You're otherwise thirsty for being first to comment on nearly anything. Gotta comment fast.
Commenter 1:Omg, this video hasn't been out almost a minute and no one is here. FIRST! FIRST! FIIIRRRRSSSTTT!!!

Commenter 2: dudes Firstie
by TalentedOnion April 8, 2021
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Derogatory term referring to the morons who trip over themselves whilst engaging in the annoying practice of firsting in the comment section of freshly posted blog articles.
Comment #1: “FIRST !”

Comment #2 (less than one second later): “Frist!”

Comment #3 (also less than one second later): “First!!!!”

Comment #4 (also less than one second later): “FIRST!!!!!!!11!!!1!”

Comment #5 (a few seconds later): “Damn, I was soooo close!”

Comment #6 (a few seconds later): “Sorry man, maybe next time.”

Comment #7 (twenty minutes later): LMAO at all the firsties! Bwahahaha, fucking morons.
by badmofoco November 17, 2011
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Our firstie was done through ___ dating website.
by dfurer May 23, 2015
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