1) The response you recieve if you call my dad a bitch.
2) The perfect way to describe Kolton(Kole) Tillett also known as Bakon the dumbfuck.
Adj. used as an insult to another who cannot be defined by any known insult already used.
To use with women end with three tit skank ass whore
"Kole you are a goddamn motherfucking cuntkissing cocksucking dicklicking scaggy scuzzy sleazy slutty twobit three tit son of a whore bitten bastard"or to a female: I can't believe you slept with my man you goddamn motherfucking cuntkissing cocksucking dicklicking scaggy scuzzy sleazy slutty twobit three tit skank ass whore"
by BitchesAintSnitches June 1, 2022
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When two people are conversing specifically about men or having a vulgar conversation about men.
What are you guys dicklicking about over there?
by powerfulclit January 15, 2023
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wen u dont get the pussy but u have lub and a condom.
by nevaehbruhh May 22, 2018
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Someone who licks dicks or is a dick.They would be gay or a dick.
by Xezrath August 29, 2016
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Dicklick is a nickname we have for Diluc when WE CANT DRAW HIM🤬
Grrr I hate dicklick *I say as I try to draw diluc*
by KELEIMUKI October 9, 2023
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A person who licks dicks for fun
Cash is a dicklicker
by Ttyrtltt January 25, 2018
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