Hey, check out that creepy old man. Hes a total chomo.
by Dayton November 4, 2003
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A phrase stated before or after a creepy remark to clear the sayer of being a child molester or pedophile
I got into the teaching profession to touch the lives of children...no chomo
by CarMono November 19, 2010
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Prison term used for child molester. Scrum of the prison system lower than a rat. Free pickings.... first likely to be sexually abused a chomo is usual found out by suspicious inmates getting a hold of case files and passing them around the yard.
Weak screams.... they got another chomo
by phatso April 1, 2015
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Prison slang for child molester
chomo=child molester
by Ajax Axxe$$ January 12, 2003
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Jail house term for a child molestor
Malone is a big fat chomo!
by malonesdaddy August 14, 2011
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A homo-cholo
Guy 1: Hey remember Hernandez he's a total chomo now that he's in the clink
Guy 2: Woah damn, he shoudn't have been messing with that 13 year old....
by Sosmula August 12, 2018
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That guy Kyle in the white van is such a chomo.
by LeftyJ November 23, 2009
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