1. To make fun of someone
2. To make someone's life difficult on purpose out of jest or with contempt, perceived or not.

"Don't get offended man, I'm just bustin' your balls!"

"I got my balls busted last night by my wife nagging me."

"It's just funny to bust balls with someone who gets easily mad."

by Rrrj1435 October 15, 2007
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To use a lot of effort to do something sometimes even in vain.
The cops will bust balls but thats it.
I busted my balls making him understand me but he acted wrong anyway.
by OlegK May 15, 2007
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To act stpuid or crazy over somthing or to complain too much.
My mom Busted a ball when she found out that I was smoking.
by Vic November 12, 2003
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Too give your friends a hard time. To make fun of or tease them for some reason in a friendly manner.
Dude don't take the joke so seriously, I was just busting your balls.
by ispillthingz March 3, 2017
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1.When somebody is Bitching at you for no good reason or nagging at you to do something you don't want to do.
Shit Bitch, quit Busting my Balls about me being out all night with my friends.
by Mojo Maniac July 11, 2008
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when someone is joking with you.
i am just busting your balls buddy, i really didnt fuck your girlfriend.
by FUCK U ? FUCK ME. April 6, 2006
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"balls" is refering to someone's ego

so busting someone's balls would be making them insecure in some way

busting one's balls could be messing with them, annoying them, teasing them, embarrasing them, etc.

they use this phrase a lot in the movie "The Goodfellas"
by Josh June 24, 2006
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