Name to address people or friends by. Also, a synonym for 'dude' or someone you would call 'bro'.
Friend#1: Hey dude !
Friend#2: What's up my brosky?!
by imcool123456789 October 3, 2009
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usually a male buddy; accomplice
That was one sick party you threw last week brosky!
by rakesh! March 27, 2005
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noun (brO-skEE) - Not to be confused with "fratboy", a brosky is generally identified by any number of distinguishable characteristics: popped collar, jeans costing over 100 dollars, affinity for listening to music generally associated with those outside of their phenotype and a propensity to drink massive amounts of alcohol and carry on lengthy conversations about the female gender. A high propensity for mirror-flexing, hair gel usage and incessent pubic hair trimming. A brosky can be your best friend, or your worst enemy.
Flower Girl: Yesterday I was setting up my AIDs awareness booth and some drunken brosky ran by and stole all the condoms I was giving out.
by Bootsee September 29, 2005
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a more compassionate expression of the term ‘bro’ usually used in exclamation at the start of the sentence and usually used in response to said brosky’s concerning behavior
Brosky! - there’s nothing on the ground there what have you been looking for for 10 minutes?”
“Brosky! - how many drinks are you going for here now?”
“Brosky! - if you attempt to do a backflip you’re gonna crack your skull. Let’s at least get off the pavement”
by shaggymorphism August 18, 2019
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a term commonly referring to a Jewish friend of yours in a positive way.
Big D: Yo wats up brosky?
Jewish Friend: Not much you?
by Big D Sadowsky March 13, 2008
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a term commonly referring to a Jewish friend of yours in a positive way.
Big D: Yo wats up brosky?
Jewish Friend: Not much you?
by Big D Sadowsky March 13, 2008
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