When somebody beheads themself and attaches it onto a wooden shaft and uses it as a broom.
My friend turned himself into a Broomer but at least his house is clean.
by The Bradinator December 10, 2010
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A person who is born around the 1960's who does not fit in the exact age bracket of Boomer or Generation X. They show traits of both generations and are the majority of people in power of corporate enterprises, managerial and executive positions including those in politics. In regards to all the Boomers still in power, Broomers are closely leading up behind, - taking over their jobs, occupations – sweeping them out of the way; hence the phrase “Broomer”.
“They are such Broomers in the way they’re taking all the Baby-Boomer’s jobs.”
by razormind May 24, 2020
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A boomer with broom like hair
Broomer: Bullying me is so boring
Bully 1: Not as boring as you
Broomer: I'm not boring
Bully 2: Ok broomer
by Blöb blöb September 26, 2021
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Someone who performs a task in the hardest way possible ; Someone incapable of doing something in a logical manner ; Someone who uses a broom and calls it "brooming"
She's using a fork to serve the sauce? She's such a broomer!
by TheOriginalBlorph September 6, 2008
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An individual who spends all their money on a game that their bad at.
Includes: DLC’s, skins, operators/characters, anything that is paid with money!
Broomer: Hey, I bought a skin on COD for $20. It’s so sick!

Friend 1: But why? You play so bad, you can’t aim!
Friend 2: He’s a “Broomer” don’t mind him!
by Doniik June 26, 2021
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A) (Pronounced broom-meh): Franglais mistranslation of the French verb balayer

B) offensive term for a janitor
The term broomer combines the English verb to broom and a French conjugation of verbs ending in er.
by Sexydimma February 18, 2022
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Someone who brooms away the mess created by groomers. Your under-appreciated dad or buddy growing up who knows that you are attracted to women and criticizes you for developing a persona that would cause your dream girl to ultimately reject you for a stronger male persona. All straight men get broomed from time to time but many refuse to admit it out of the fear of appearing weak.
My buddy was mad that I was being a broomer, but I know he'll thank me later when he gets his dream girl and deletes all the groomers on his contact list holding him down.
by Pyrrhic_revolt December 17, 2022
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