a person with a haircut in the shape of a bowl, therefore their head looks like a bowl.
man look at johns hair, wot a bowl head.
by Fanny McGrue May 3, 2006
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A demand made by internet voyeurs for a person on a webcam to place a bowl on their head.
chester_bowls:BOWL ON HEAD
sxy_grrl: im not puting a bowl on my head
sxy_grrl has left the chat.
by chester_bowls May 22, 2007
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This occurs when a male inserts a a thumb into the vaginal cavity (also known as the "lucy") while sticking the index and middle finger in her anus.

It resembles a male using the woman's ass as a bowling ball. It is known to be popular with horny redheaded women in the North Carolina area.
Damn, I bowled a strike wtih that chick from Raleigh. She loves getting the red-headed bowling ball.
by Bri-Candy2 December 8, 2010
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