The simplest password of all time. Just slide your finger from A all the way to enter, and you sucesfully logged in.
Password: asdfghjkl;'
by Yourmom...... January 19, 2011
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The homerow keys. Used to describe your feelings at the moment, especially when you don't know how to express your feelings. It means whatever you want it to mean. Only you know what it means.
Kid 1 : How are you?
Kid 2 : asdfghjkl;'
Kid 1 : I know what you mean.
by HaleyIsARiotx425 November 3, 2008
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An alternate word for a;dkhie, gahuiesdhf, aeisuyth3uejdfa;, gaifuwesjdhfal, and sometimes, asdhgiehwaiosfhudf
Also overused by fangirls
by Levi........ January 20, 2019
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All the letters and punctuation marks located in the middle row of the QWERTY keyboard layout and possibly other keyboard layouts.

Its definition is subject to the user's discretion for he or she who types such a complex and intellectually deep word has more worldly wisdom and experience than those who choose not to.

Most people generally accept is as a superior alternative to qwertyuiop\ and zxcvbnm,./.
Person A: qwertyuiop\

Person B: asdfghjkl;'

Person A: Oh shit! *retreats quickly*
by 0102030405060708090 July 5, 2011
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a keyboard seizure. can be any combination of letters and sometimes numbers and punctuations such as, ajhfdsljhfl jhfawiuef djshfahjvbsljseh j83wiy25rufweh 0-dsaov
aeq fdsd jgf73woeglvsexadshf... and so on
A: i feel asdfghjkl;' today. how are you?
B: asdfghjkl;'

or in any other context you wish to use it in.
by al3xxxsaid May 27, 2007
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A really easy password used by people who don't want to forget it. They brush their finger accross the keyboard starting at A and ending at enter.
bob; what did you make your password?
joe; asdfghjkl;'
by lilliannn<3 March 13, 2010
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Damn you must be bored...

asdfghjkl;' is the keys in the middle row of your keyboard, dummy. Not to be confused with qwertyuiop, or zxcvbnm,./, asdfghjkl;' is everybody's favorite random string of characters.
people only type in asdfghjkl;' in the urban dictionary search bar if they have byron syndrome and need some cheering up.
by Mr. Bigg PP January 8, 2022
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