Bum unguent, ring salve. Expensive, refined petroleum jelly scented with Eucalyptus or juniper. Prevents pant-chaffing & unsightly clag-nuts.
Justin has left an arse-wax smear on his chair.
He doesn't know his arse wax from his cock-rub.
Mummy, Justin won't share his arse wax!
by Bagpuss the nonce March 17, 2003
Get the Arse wax mug.
Bum unguent, ring salve. Expensive, refined petroleum jelly often scented with eucalyptus or juniper. Prevents pant-chaffing & guards against unsightly clag-nuts.
Justin has left an arse-wax smear on his chair.
He doesn't know his arse-wax from his cock-rub.
Mummy, Justin won't share his arse-wax!
by bagpus is a fairy cat March 17, 2003
Get the arse wax (ass-wax) mug.