Competition between two or more nations, factions, or groups in which each participant strives to produce the most technologically advanced and destructive weapon.
The arms race between the former Soviet Union and the United States spurred many technological advances.
by Mark October 21, 2003
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two (or more) countries who try to outdo each other in developing the most sophisticated and or powerful weapons, typically as matter of national pride.
related words: wordspace race/word, wordpatriotism/word
During the Cold War, the US and Russia built up extensive stockpiles of nuclear weapons in an arms race.
by ElPocoBiadlo October 27, 2003
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competition existing between nations of great militaristic power to build the best weapons for protecting themselves (although the nations themselves won't admit this).
competition existing between nations of great militaristic power to build the best weapons for protecting themselves (although the nations themselves won't admit this).
by SteveCoutts October 25, 2003
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a form of cold war whereby two or more countries compete to gain an advantage in conventional and/or nuclear weapons, causing a spiraling upward of the destructiveness and number of these weapons held by each side
Nuclear Fusion weapons are a direct result of the arms race between the USA and the USSR in the 1950's
by Fabio Lione October 21, 2003
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the competition between nations to develop weapons of warfare. it is now being taken once again into outer space; some countries ,do not recognize the idea of mutually assured destruction
america and china are engaged in an arms race
by eric October 23, 2003
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The act of two or more countries stockpiling nuclear, biological and/or chemical weapons for use in a nonexistant war.
by matt October 23, 2003
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in the cold war, they raced to build the atomic nug. you take one hit, and you are permanently blazed.
arms race, Piff smoke in my eyelids
by kush in my ball sac April 11, 2014
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