1. An impossible class that results in sleepless nights, ruined GPAs, failing grades. Death. But it will teach you more about history, economics, culture, social hiearchy, politics and you guessed it ... history than any other class - if u make it out alive. Usually taken by sophomores who don't know how hard AP classes are, but honestly the first AP is always hell so it's usually better just to get it over with. Also the exam is much easier than the class.
Grade in Class: C
Grade on AP World History Exam: 5
by Trinu October 14, 2006
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A piece of shit plus everything that you hate in your life put together into one giant Lego that you will step on... Don't take this class. You WILL regret it and you will shit a brick. Specifically the Lego brick that you just made.
pain, shit, more shit, AP European History
by King of... November 5, 2013
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A class that's really not as hard as it seems, that is, after you've been raped by the villain and left impregnated. A child shall be born unto you and its name shall be success. After that, it's all about reading and listening. You could, however, get an abortion (i.e. fail) but this is just as mentally, physically, and emotionally scarring as pushing through to give your baby a good life, a better life, so just keep that baby. You'll cry at night, cry in the morning, and cry tears of joy when that baby is a fully grown 5 on the exam.

Ask questions about shit that ISN'T ALREADY EXPLAINED IN THE BOOK (that includes YOU Fucknuts) and study all the time!
Rookie: "I'm in AP US History. It's SOOOO Hard! Can you help me study?"
Veteran: "Fuck no."
by HatOfPolymers October 30, 2012
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a fuck-all hard class. taken by sophmores, usually ap virgins, who are about to get metaphorically ass-raped to stretch their asshole to the size of goatse. generally possible to BS with a lot of patience, the ap exam can be passed without learning much in the entire class. what little you did learn, you will forget over the summer. god forbid kagan wrote your ap euro book.
"Hehe, someone crossed out 'a hero' and wrote 'an hero' in my ap eurpean history book. I spent so much time laughing I couldn't concentrate on the rest of the chapter. fuck."
"Because of ap european history, I know that 'defenestration' means 'getting thrown out of the window.'"
"Why does the ap european history teacher use 'we' when talking about herself?"
by sp33chy November 16, 2009
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A course designed to cause brain implosion/explosion immediately before finals and AP test. Topics covered include everything from 1500 to today. Students sit and listen to lectures during class daydreaming about how death must be much better than AP US History. Students are expected to fail tests and teachers will give no curves. Scoring below 50% on an all multiple-choice test is common. Three-hundred or more vocabulary words are required every week or so - and if you split the work with other students, the teacher turns psychobitch about it. Busy work is common and students spend 3-4 hours per night on it, provided they want to pass the class. The average student continues the work for about 9-18 weeks then decides he/she doesn't give a damn anymore.
On May 19, 1775, Ben Franklin was wearing what color shirt?

"Today we are gathered here to remember a beloved student, whose suicide was caused by stress in AP US History..."

"We will have a test every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, a project every week, and 2-3 DBQs and essays per week."
by HacZ Emm May 9, 2008
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Person A: What happened to Christy
Person B: Oh she took AP US History this year.
Person A: Oh. So when's the funeral
by Sexymustache May 3, 2015
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-A class that you only take solely to boost your GPA, although many people's GPAs decrease substantially
-A class to prepare you for the AP exam that probably 35% of the student population passes in the United States depending on the teacher you have.
-Students copy tidbit information off AP notes without actually retaining any substance because it's boring and putting it eloquently,sucks balls.
Bacon's Rebellion is so enthralling theres a chance that I could potentially joygasm

When in AP Us History I learn information that I am going to use in the real world and the rest of my life.
by Jackie Jackie January 29, 2008
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