"Wow, I really don't understand why you looked up THE FREAKING LETTER A"
by xxTrashyMilkCartonxx May 8, 2018
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The grade that will impressive everyone except Asian parents
To normal parents: wow, that’s great! I’m so proud of you!
To Asian parents: that’s average. Do better
by spectre729 July 30, 2019
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Why the fudge u looking up A ARE YOU THAT BORED.
by Thereal🥴 March 6, 2020
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Jan Zelezny: "Some dude on urban dictionary looked up the letter A in 2019!?"

Jimmy Kimmel: "Go throw spears or some shit."
by S.S Pepe January 25, 2020
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You are looking this letter up
Are you gonna look up the letter B next
by An Indian man🇮🇳 October 17, 2019
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The first letter in the Latin Alphabet. People who search this letter up either have never seen the Latin Alphabet or are that bored.
Example 1
Person 1: "What is the first letter of the Latin Alphabet?" (In foreign Language)

Person 2: "A" (In foreign Language)

Example 2
Person 1: " I want to go to the Urban Dictionary and look at some random words because I have no life" (In a language that uses the Latin Alphabet)
by Abraham97 December 10, 2022
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