An unabashedly hilarious website dedicated to beer, music, and the dumbfuckery of humankind.
Ronnie, you've never heard of A Beer For The Shower? What are you, braindead?
by abeerfortheshower(dot)com September 23, 2011
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Drinking a beer while taking a shower. Not to be confused with the other form of a beer shower: someone dumping a beer on someone's head.. which is alcohol abuse.
"I'm going to hop into the shower and pound a Heineken."
- "Ah Beer Shower! Good Call bro!"
by Matt1184 February 1, 2008
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when alcoholic beverages rain down on your head at a party.
There was a beer shower on Karlie and Allison when Wendell held up his cup to cheer and accidentally poured it out over everyone.
by Karlie and Allison September 1, 2007
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