When a man is wrapped up in blankets, nude mind you, and a woman flaps around the room squawking like a bird, with peanut butter, jelly, and bread crumbs in her mouth, and goes over and spits it into the man's mouth, as he masturbates. (Much like a mother and baby bird role play)
Zakk Ayers had a fun time zakking it with Myrtle the other weekend!
by Charcharbinks February 10, 2013
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Zak, has a fucking huge ass dick. It is so big he tucks it into his sock , if Zak comes over to your house you know your mother or sister WILL wind up pregnant.
Zak, is that a cucumber in your pants?
No it’s my huge ass cock
by Billy Dikener12456 December 22, 2019
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A nickname for Zachary, "Zak" is just as correct as "Zach, Zack, or Zac".
Is often annoyed when one spells his nickname as one of the three other variations.
Billy - Hey, how'd they spell your name on your coffee this time? *snicker*
Zak - Z A C K. God damn it.
by Boxmaker April 12, 2015
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A shark was attacking me, but it swam away after I Zakked it.
by Z-Tango September 29, 2009
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A beautiful, funny, and extremely nice guy. Who can be a class clown sometimes.
Zak is amazing! He's so admirable! I'm crazy about him!
by Tayler H October 2, 2018
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(zak) n. 1. One who is admired for his skills with skateboarding, women, art, etc. 2. Plastic chair. 3. A notorious teenager from the early twenty-first century known for his delightful humor and good looks. 4. Scholar of Zakology.
-zak adj.
In the end, everyone finally realized that he was a true zak.
by insomniac8o8 April 9, 2004
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