A Woddy Doddy is a feline mammal indigenous only to Australia and New Guinnea! However the Woddy Doddies in New Guinnea are believed to have been imported from Australia in the 18th century by fur traders. A male Woddy can weigh as much as 35 pounds and females tend to be under twenty pounds. The different species include Spotted Woddy Doddies, red striped Woddies extremely rare Short haired and long tail Woddies. Many Woddies are bobtailed, but most have a nomal tail except for long tailed woddy Doddiies and their tails can be twice as long as their bodies. Aborigine folklore has it that some Woddies can fly and have supernatural powers. Described as much like a cat with large ears and very long whiskers. Spotted Woddies are usually hard to keep as pets and not advised.
by Bountyhunterguitarplayer April 11, 2011
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