1.Mamífero insectívoro del tamaño de un ratón, de cuerpo rechoncho, cola corta y pelaje negruzco suave y tupido, que tiene hocico afilado, ojos diminutos y casi ocultos por el pelo, y cinco dedos armados de fuertes uñas que le sirven para socavar y apartar la tierra al abrir las galerías subterráneas donde vive.

2. Persona que, infiltrada en una organización, actúa al servicio de otros.
3. Persona que tropieza en cualquier cosa, o por cortedad de vista o por falta de tino natural.
4..Persona de cortos alcances que en todo yerra o se equivoca. U. t. c. adj.
5.Máquina excavadora que trabaja bajo tierra formando túneles.
El topo salio de su escondite y fue atrapado por mi tío.
El topo de la organización fue descubierto y encarcelado.
by juansevilla December 6, 2015
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Topo es una persona que carece de sentido del humor, que corta el rollo(aguafiestas) , metomentodo y al que todo el mundo detesta. Extremadamente evitable.
No hagas un topo y dejanos en paz.
Puto topo de mierda que nos has cortado el rollo.
by Constantinoelromero November 26, 2015
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A person that spazs enough so that they look like they are trying to move in two different directions at the same time

Topoing the verb of spazing out trying to move in two different directions

Topoed past tense of spazing out trying to move in different different directions
"Last week a topo was walking across the sidewalk it was the funniest thing I have ever seen."

"I saw a guy topoing across a yard trying to get to the mailbox and back to his house at the same time."
by FAIL cannot compete March 9, 2009
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"Mellie's had too much Cava....that ho is gonna TOPO for sure"
by no_thanks September 8, 2017
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Torrance Police Department
Oh Shit!
we got some topo following us!
by Hung Wang January 28, 2008
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Delicious Glass Bottled mineral water bottled in Monterey Mexico since 1895. Very popular in the great country of Texas.
After mowing the yard, Big Dick decided to quench his thirst with a Topo-Chico while he laughed at all the trolls who wanted peoples time.
by Donaghu April 25, 2019
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