A Tembo is an oversized man with uncontrollable facial hair.
Tembos often drive recklessly while under the influence of curry.
It has been cited that these type of men regularly have girlfriends that are at least one meter shorter than the Tembo.
That man over there has curry in his beard, he must be a Tembo.
by Tombeaux May 17, 2010
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A universal measurement that can be used for anything imagineable. Named after the notable man, Nathan Tembo who is thought to be quite possibly the coolest man on the planet.
"Dude, that chick has to be at least one metric tembo tall."
"Man, I swear I gained one metric tembo over Thanksgiving Break."
by TheMcNastyHolyBurrito January 8, 2012
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A kid that is trapped in a well, and his brother Chang, tried to ask his mom for help but she would't because the brother didn't say his whole name. The moral of the story is that 'there is a reason Chinese people have short names.
tikki-tikki-tembo-no-sa-rembo-chari-bari-ruchi-pit-peri-pembo: "Help me! i'm in a well and i cant get out!!"
*Brother runs to mother for help*
Chang: "Help tikki-tikki-tembo fell down a--!"
Mother: "Say his whole name or don't finish that sentence at all!"
by SalsaDaddy March 9, 2018
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