An abbreviation for 'trade when ready' originating from user and trader Shiuani from
Purchaser: I'll buy a throne please.
Vendor: Sure, that will be 500 credits, twr.
by WiseWonders January 24, 2019
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Thrust weight ratio, the ratio of the amount of thrust to the amount of weight of a rocket.
Person 1: Hey what's the TWR for Falcon 9?

Person 2: 1.28 at launch.

Person 1: Thanks!
by 4lphal3oson March 19, 2021
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a character from HOUS3’s (formerly bacon soup’s) object show, the waiting room. the show hasn’t even been released yet and everyone is simping for him (including me😳) ann is on sexypedia so if you want more info on him just go there bcs im lazy af
simp: “omg ann twr is so hot”
random guy: “dude he’s a flower
by lil marshie mallow September 25, 2022
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