The act of repetitively defecating in another's gooch crevice while tenderly stroking the shaft in an upward motion and simultaneously groping the scrotal skin in such a way that it provides a channel for duck butter (gooch runoff) to slide ever so slowly back into the perpetrator's mouth who then promptly regurgitates the foul liquid onto a slab of raw T-bone steak while hoisting the hefty portion back into the receivers poonhole, effectively dousing his anal cavity with A1 sauce...all while playing Halo 3.
Douchebag: Jesus Christ, did you see that dipshit pull a T Job ?
Asshole: No, what is it?
Douchebag: The act of repetitively defecating in another's gooch crevice while tenderly stroking the shaft in an upward motion and simultaneously groping the scrotal skin in such a way that it provides a channel for duck butter (gooch runoff) to slide ever so slowly back into the perpetrator's mouth who then promptly regurgitates the foul liquid onto a slab of raw T-bone steak while hoisting the hefty portion back into the receivers poonhole?
Asshole: Fuck no, I just saw him playing Halo 3.
by Donkey Asshole 9 March 27, 2009
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Noun: the act of repeatedly sliding your boner between someone else's thighs
Chris went into the bedroom with him and they exchanged T Jobs for several hours.
by TJOB4LYFE March 20, 2008
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While Partaking in carnal pleasures the male lays down on his back, while the female takes two golf tees and sets each of the males testicles on the tees (as if she is about to get ready to "tee off").The female then slaps the man's penis and yells...FORE!!!

The T-Job takes place on grass, or some kind of ground where the tees can be staked. This makes for a more realistic sexual act as well as allows for the testicles to take a substantially more structurally sound form (as the cold air rushing around the scrotum will cause the testicles to retract towards the body) and more akin to real golf balls.
Boy 1: Jessica gave me a T-Job last night on the golf course...
Boy 2: Yea how was that?
Boy 1: It felt real good up until the point when she slapped my penis and one of my balls got impaled...
by Lords of Pelham June 12, 2011
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When 3 girls give a guy a blowjob, but 1 girl sucks the dick, 1 girl sucks the left nut and 1 girl b sucks the right nut.
Guy #1: Bro I got these 3 girls to come back to my place and they all sucked me off.

Guy #2: Was it a T-job?

Guy #1: Hellz yeah.
by Blahyblah May 25, 2020
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To be masturbated by a person with ataxic cerebral palsy. A person with this birth defect has one or two small and withered arm resembling the arm of a tyrannosaurus rex.
I don't care what you say about her being a freak! I love the t-rex hand job. It makes my unit look huge!
by lowtarsmokenfool June 29, 2010
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A sexual act where the girls hands are at the bottom of the dick ,and the guy grabs her head and pushes it down on his dick repeatedly making her gag.
Dude my girlfriend gave me a T-Rex job last night.
by Sexguide January 9, 2018
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