1. Someone socially awkward to the point of undeniable love.
2. A moment of awkward or clumsiness.
3. A statement that does not belong in a conversation.
1. Dude your such a spillz.
2. Did you see my spillz moment back there i think i lost a tooth.
3. I just blurted out a spillz back there trying to impress stacy.
by JJHeat September 24, 2009
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A man who spills hearts or his nector on womens chests. Occasionally spills drinks and has a 3 metre radius where others around may fall victim to spilling theirs as well.
aaaw spill!' 'wait spillz is here.. spillz radius' 'spilllllllz
by titsmgee88888 April 18, 2011
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nickname given to those who have had a terrible accident on some form a two-wheeled mode of transportation; very rarely come across and sometimes mistaken for "spills" a nickname given to those who commit frequent party fouls. collin
by moose+10 February 5, 2009
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