Socially gay is when a straight guy has the ability to notice if a female friend has changed her hair colour, or bought new shoes, but wont allow the gay guy across the room to shove his cock up your arse!

thanks to Jimmy Carr for definition!
Straight Guy: hey.. wow, i like your new shoes!
Girl: awww thanks!!

Gay Guy: hey man!
Straight Guy: i dont swing that way mate.

Girl: he is just so socially Gay
Girl 2: Yeah i know! and he is straight!
by A Socially Gay Guy December 28, 2005
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Mostly seen in woman social gay involves a normally heterosexual(straight) person has borderline gay interactions with a friend of the same sex, this behaviour is most commonly associated with a large quantity of alcohol usually consumed in a nightclub. Similar to social smoking consuming alcohol while smoking within a social surrounding.
Did you see that birdkissing her friend, shes got a boyfriend you know shes just a social gay!
by TFrO21 December 23, 2017
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