An amazing, creative, funny, cute, smart (and etc) person was born on this day! Will do anything for their friends and has a big heart that often gets taken for granted. Keep the person born on this day close. You’ll never meet anyone like them.
Guy one: Hey, you see that girl over there? She’s my dream girl. She’s so beautiful!

Guy two: she must’ve been born on September 5th.
by YoursTrulyAmor October 30, 2019
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Freddie Mercury's birthday

It's literally c. 9 million other people's birthday too, but it's specifically Freddie's in my book.
On September 5 1946, Farokh Bulsara (Freddie Mercury) was brought into the world.
by It'sAsh September 6, 2009
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people born on this day have the n word pass
bro you can’t say that!

yeah i can! i was born on September 5!
by Yes_Sir88 October 29, 2019
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September 5th is the day where you can yeet your short friends into the fucking sun
Hey, it’s September 5. You know what that means
by hey what the fuck September 3, 2020
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People born on September 5 are usually the hottest, most sexiest, nicest person you would ever meet. If anything, i would wanna get myself a hottie born on September 5th
Person 1: Hey, she’s sexy!!
Person 2: Hell yeah!! Must’ve been born on September 5!
by totally not who you think it i November 2, 2020
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National Boyfriend has to say yes to everything day.Use this wisely Ladies
September 5

Her:Am i beautiful babe
Him Yes
by Yerrrrrrrrre September 3, 2021
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