A sexxy babe who punishes naughty people with her moon powerz.
Sailor Moon loves to show her panties in every episode (8^B
by anime roxxorz June 1, 2003
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1. A neat little "magical girl" manga with pretty art and fun lesbian subtexts and not-so-subtexts that became a delightfully cheesy (and eventually badly dubbed) anime with lots of fanservice (though oddly less obvious lesbian subtexts) and the occasional plot development; now currently the cause of approximately 1/3 of major anime/anti-anime related flame wars involving people who take their entertainment way too seriously.

2. A source of hatred, obsession or neutrality, depending on your tolerance for fangirls or cheese.

3. An even cheesier but fun live action series involving Japanese people in really fake-looking wigs and even faker taking cats (read: plush toys and bad CGI effects).

4. The main source of income for Naoko Takeuchi.
1. You wouldn't believe how much wank can be generated online by the simple statement by anybody of either "Sailor Moon rox!" or "Sailor Moon sux!"

2. I like Sailor Moon, but, like Jesus, some of her fan club is a little nuts.

3. Did you see the cheap special effects in last week's episode of live action Sailor Moon?

4. Sailor Moon = money for Naoko.
by Runa27 April 23, 2005
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I've only seen one episode (in English) and I must say that Sailor Moon as a god-awful annoying voice. The voice actor should be on Sesame Street or Spongebob Squarepants.
by Bastardized Bottomburp August 29, 2003
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An anime series.

Sailor Moon chronicles the lives of one (then three, then five, then seven, then too many to count) hot lesbian girls who use magic and skimpy clothing to fight evil.

The only exception being Sailor moon herself who is straight, possible bisexual.

The show has received much critisms for displaying homosexual women as strong, positive role models for young children. Yet depicts straight girls as ditzy, idiotic, and self-serving.

The team is mentored by two pussies, both named after the mythological goddess Artemis. Who also happened to be a dike. (Clearly not a coincidence.)
by Dusk Soldier January 17, 2006
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Lesbian Show with panty flashes every fight scene
I like sailor moon cuz it has all kinds of hiddin sexual subtext And it's fun DUMBASS
by I HATE bush da May 13, 2003
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Horrible anime that has like 300 episodes and each one has the same plot.
Shitty animation and huge mega lesbian refrences that are cencored in the US.
You like sailor moon? Ha! ASS!
by Nitro March 3, 2003
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