Short hand for "sorry for my existence"
Used by husbands who are loyal to their wives.
I don't know what I've done--but sfme.
I don't know why you are mad--but sfme.
by jhj0072000 September 7, 2018
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IM slang for Sorry For Multiple Emails.
Also, don't forget the bread. (SFME)
by Reeders May 20, 2009
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It stands for "Sorry For My English". Sometimes, as a non-native-english-speaker, you just want people to know that you are open to acknowledge a spelling or grammar mistake, or even to understand that maybe what you wrote makes no sense, without taking the full "Sorry For My English" phrase space.
*A really long email* SFME.
*Something that may or not be written correctly* SFME
SFME Do you car had of yello color??
by ThatWeirdKidAtTheBack February 14, 2019
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