1. A cross breed between two grains. Rice and noodles. Thus giving us roodles. This substance is legendary, and can only be consumed at moderate amounts.
by nhan December 29, 2007
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Wow, your a real roodle for eating my couch again Doodle.
by Doodleowner84 October 21, 2021
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36 foot shlong,
loves: fortnite, kristan

shit in someone's yard
ayden: "roodle so adorable."
colby: "that man has a big shlong"
jordan lewis: "fuck me in a lamborghini."
by i'm going to say the n-word October 9, 2019
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An expression used to acknowledge the rudeness, and lack of literacy of a fellow friend. Originated from the word “rood” which is supposed to be spelt “rude”… adding the “les” helps to exemplify the whininess of the person saying the word.
-Why do you keep ditching out on dinner? You are such a Roodles!-
by Rish..Aka Hoodles June 12, 2009
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